So you’ve got an interview at Hollister and you want to blow them away. We’ve got you covered. In the following guide, we have put together a list of interview questions and answers, along with helpful tips to assist you in preparation for your interview. So what are you waiting for? Let’s tackle this interview!
Hollister Interview Questions And Answers With Hollister Employee (video)
About Hollister

Hollister is a fashion retailer with clothing and accessories inspired by Southern California and surfing. The store sells both men and woman’s clothing, including its signature graphics crew and tee shirts, polos, cardigans, sweaters, jeans, and flip-flops. Each store is designed to look like vintage beach shacks. The store is divided into sections for guys and girls, with a fitting room somewhere in the middle of the store.If you are hired, you will probably start out as a team retail member, where most of your duties will be helping customers, manning the cash register, and managing the fitting room. Hollister has 578 stores around the world.
Hollister Interview Questions With Answers

Q1: “Tell Me about Yourself.”
A1: Talk about your previous work experience and how that makes you a good candidate for this position. Don’t think of this question as a request to know everything about your life. Talk about your qualities, the things you’re good at, and what your previous employer is likely to say about your performance.This is your time to brag, although humbly, and to address things not included on your resume. You should talk about why you want this job. Be specific in your answers, but don’t ramble. Keep your answer to three or four points. You can talk about your hobbies and passions, and how those things relate to your desire of working at Hollister.
Q2: “What Is Your Definition of Excellent Customer Service?”
A2: “My definition of excellent customer service is seeing the customers leave the store satisfied and fulfilled that he or she has found the perfect thing they were looking for. The important part is that they will come back again because they were wowed by the service. So, I think excellent customer service means being a resource to the customer for whatever they need, whether it is finding that warm cardigan for the customer’s teenage niece, or helping the customer find winter wear suitable for a cold camping trip.”“By being resourceful, friendly, and warm, the customer is likely to return to the store, and from there, it’s important to not let his expectations drop the second or third time. So excellent customer service also has to be consistent, or else customers will be disappointed and choose a different company to give their money to.”
Q3: “Why Do You Want to Work for Us?”
A3: “There are several reasons I want to work for Hollister. One, ever since my first job in the fashion and retail industry, I’ve developed a true passion for fashion. Working at Hollister would allow me to pursue my passion and allow me to gain the invaluable experience of working with a company at the forefront of the fashion scene.”“The second reason is that I love working with other people and I welcome the opportunity to solve a customer’s problems and to help them with whatever they need. Third, I love the atmosphere at Hollister. It is dark, moody, and just right for the kind of fashion that customers and I love. With that said, I really see myself here, learning and growing with the rest of the team.”
Q4: “What Is Your Greatest Strength and Your Greatest Weakness?”
A4: “I would say my greatest strength is that I’m a team player. Specifically, when in a team environment, I like to facilitate the duties and responsibilities of my team. When there is a conflict in my team, as it is often inevitable, I mediate the conflict to the best of my abilities by helping my team members open a channel of communication so they can best resolve their conflict with each other.”“My greatest weakness is that I am too eager to help others, sometimes to the point where I don’t give my team members a chance to find the solutions themselves. I have since improved on my weakness by taking a step back in my role and letting my team members come up with solutions first.”
Q5: “Tell Me about a Time When You Had to Deal with a Difficult Customer or Situation. What Did You Do and What Was the Outcome?”
A5: “At my previous job, I had a customer that was very irate when she was told that her merchandise cannot be returned because it was a final sales item. Before I could explain any further, she immediately asked to speak with a manager. I kept my cool and remained calm. Instead of raising my voice and become agitated just like she was, I told her matter-of-factly that her merchandise cannot be returned. I offered to give her a coupon for her next visit and complimented her on her sweater. She was receptive and apologized for her behavior.”
Q6: “Working in Retail Can Be Stressful. How Do You Cope with Stress and Pressure?”
A6: “The biggest lesson I’ve learned from all my years working in the fashion and retail industry is that you never take anything home with you when you clock out and go home after your shift is over. Living by this principle has helped me deal with the stress and pressure. When I’m not at work, I focus on myself by doing the things I love to do, such as hiking with my dog and reading about the latest fashion trends.”
Q7: “Why Should We Hire You?”
A7: “You should hire me because I’m what you’re looking for in this position. I have extensive experience in fashion and retail. On top of that, I’m passionate about fashion and regard myself as having a unique personal style that is inspired by Hollister. Working at Hollister would be a dream come true for me. I would not only be able to work for my favorite brand but also help other Hollister-loving people find their new outfit.”
Check the 50 full list of top interview answers and questions article.
How to Answer the Most Common Questions You’ll Encounter as a Hollister Representative
These are some of the most common questions you might expect to be asked during an interview for a Hollister representative position.
Tell me about what you do better than anyone else?
This question will require you to think about your strengths and how they would apply to the position. For example, if you were applying for a Hollister representative position, one of your strengths may be that you are very outgoing and good with people. You could say something like “I am outgoing and enjoy talking with people.”
We all have areas in which we could improve. What is yours?
This question will require you to think about a weakness that does not significantly impact the job. For example, if you were applying for a Hollister representative position, one of your weaknesses may be that you don’t speak Spanish fluently. You could say something like “I’m not fluent in Spanish.”
Hollister Interview Preparation, Tips & Dress Code

Do Your Research and Learn about the Company
Interviewers love it when interviewees are knowledgeable about the company they’re interviewing for. The more you know about the company, the more it shows that you care about getting the position. Before you head to your Hollister interview, go on their website and read about the company’s history. During the interview, see if you can weave in your knowledge about the company seamlessly into your answers. This way, your jibs about the company don’t seem forced. Be careful though, if you give the wrong facts about the company, you would likely be seen as careless and ill-prepared.
What to wear to a Hollister interview
Before going into your Hollister interview, it’s important to ensure you’re dressed for success. While you don’t need to wear Hollister-branded clothing, it’s important to dress in a way that reflects the company’s style.
Aim for a polished and put-together look that is still casual and comfortable. Good choices include a button-up shirt or polo paired with nice jeans or chinos. You can also add a sweater or jacket to complete the look.
Whatever you choose, make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free. Dressing appropriately shows that you’re taking the interview seriously and respecting the company’s image. With the right outfit, you’ll be one step closer to landing the job you want at Hollister.
Dress Professionally and Arrive Early
Remember the saying, “Dress for the job you want”? Well, for an interview at Hollister, this statement has never rung truer. You want to strive to look fashionable, but still at the same time professional enough for an interview. For women, try matching khaki pants with a Hollister button-down long-sleeve shirt. For men, try a pair of trousers with a Hollister sweater or cardigan over a long sleeve. And don’t be late! You should arrive at least fifteen minutes early to your interview. Also, plan ahead and get to know the parking situation before your interview.
Prepare Questions for Your Interviewer
Often, interviewees are so caught up in preparing for their interview they forget to think about what to ask their interviewers. When you come prepared with a list of questions to ask your interviewer, you are seen as someone who is serious about the position. Here are some sample questions to ask to your Hollister interviewer:
- Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of a retail member (or whatever the position is)?
- What is the break policy?
- What is the dress policy?
- Are there opportunities to take on managerial roles?
- What do you like most about working here?
The full list of 30 questions to ask your interviewer can be found in this article.
Smile, Relax and Connect with Your Interviewer
Yes, relax! You’ve come this far from your initial application. Remember that your interviewer is a person too, and he or she might be just as nervous as you are. One way to connect with your interviewer is by asking him or her to talk about themselves. For example, you can use questions such as:
- What do you like the most about working here?
- What is the most rewarding aspect of this job?
- How did you come to work for Hollister?
These questions will not only help put your interviewer at ease if they are nervous, but can also show positive personality traits such as being caring, inquisitive, and outgoing.
The Hollister Interview Process and Timeline
A typical Hollister interview process will last about two hours. Candidates will meet with a recruiter, who will ask them questions about their qualifications and experience.
The recruiter will then take the candidate to an interview with a store manager or assistant store manager. The final part of the process is an interview with the hiring manager for the position.
We hope that our guide on Hollister interview questions was helpful. For more information and reviews about Hollister positions, check out its Glassdoor profile. If you are interested in working for Hollister, you can submit an application to a store in your area at their careers page. Good luck with your interview!