Six Flags Interview Questions And Answers

Six Flags Amusement Park

Do you have a desire to work at Six Flags, but are unsure of where to start? Getting a job at Six Flags is achievable. Whether this is your first job or you are aiming for a long-term position, the same rules for success apply. Learn how to ace your job interview, create a resume that will impress any employer, and most importantly, what common interview questions you can expect.


How to Make Your Six Flags Resume Stand Out

Man reading a document

Writing an excellent resume is a talent you will probably refine throughout your career. Although crafting a resume may seem difficult to those who are not writers by profession, this is not a task that should intimidate you. Your resume presents an opportunity for you to stand out among the other Six Flags candidates. Follow the guidelines below to create a flawless, professional resume that will catch a hiring manager’s eye.

Select an Appropriate Template

When creating your resume, your template can make or break the entire document. Shoot for something simple and professional. Avoid excessive or distracting graphics. Using a template is a wise choice because it will help you keep entries visually consistent.

Use Correct Grammar and Spelling

When you take the time to ensure that your resume uses proper grammar and spelling throughout, you communicate that you have put effort into the document. Think about this issue from an employer’s perspective: would you hire someone who can’t be bothered to run spellcheck? If you want to make sure your resume reads well, you can also have a friend look over it and give you their honest feedback.

Tailor Your Resume Specifically to Six Flags

Research Six Flags’ core values and look for opportunities to incorporate them into your work or volunteer experience. The company’s website, and specifically the “About Us” section, should give you a solid understanding of Six Flags’ corporate values.

If you have worked a similar job to the one you are applying for, share details of your responsibilities. If you have made meaningful accomplishments, this is the place to show them off. Industry keywords can make powerful additions to resumes as well, provided you don’t overdo it.

Add a Professional Cover Letter

A cover letter simply expresses interest in the position and summarizes the qualities that make you an asset to Six Flags. Cover letters add a layer of professionalism even when they are not required by the employer. Writing a cover letter conveys your seriousness about the position. Keep the letter short and direct—your resume is where experience should be spelled out.

Tips for Acing a Job Interview

Interviewer and interviewee shaking hands

Job interviews can be stressful, but with enough preparation, you can approach your interview with confidence.

Do Your Research

Research Six Flags, and specifically, the position you intend to apply for. If you wish to be a ride operator, for instance, search online to find the experiences of others who have held this position. Current and former employees may even share their own interview experiences so you can learn from their successes and failures.

Practice for Your Interview

Review the sample questions below and take the time to craft your responses. There are several ways you can practice for your interview. You can enlist a friend to help you by reading the questions to you. Alternatively, some job seekers will record videos of their practice interviews to see what is working and what is not.

Go through this article of 50 interview questions and answers and practice them before your interview at Six Flags.

Prepare for a Group Interview

Some Six Flags positions will require a group interview. Understand that these interviews are conducted in part to see how you interact with others. During these interviews, it is important to show that you are a good listener and a good speaker. Pay attention to what other candidates say and treat everyone with respect. Let your answers speak for themselves and practice active listening while others are speaking.

Dress to Impress

While a full black-tie and suit might be overkill for Six Flags, you should still be mindful of your physical appearance. Practice good physical hygiene and select clothing free of stains and holes. When in doubt about what to wear, “snappy casual” is almost universally accepted. Simple button-down tops and slacks can be excellent selections for both men and women.

Make Positive First Impressions

Look the interviewer in the eye and greet him or her with a firm handshake. Try to avoid expressing anxiety or fear and treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect. Don’t forget that you may work alongside these people soon. Make sure you arrive at least 10-15 minutes early. This will show that you are respectful of time while also accounting for potential issues such as finding parking spots and locating the interview site.

Bring Copies of Your Paperwork

Although you have likely submitted your resume, cover letter, and a list of references online by the time you are interviewing, it never hurts to bring extra copies. Hiring managers interview many people daily and are unlikely to remember you. If you make their job easier by providing the necessary documentation at the time of the interview, you might increase your chances of getting hired.

Avoid Common Interview Mistakes

Aside from the errors we have already cautioned you about, here are some less-obvious behaviors to consider:

  • Don’t bring outside food or drink into the interview.
  • Show respect by turning off or silencing your cell phone and storing it out of sight.
  • Don’t take calls or texts for any reason during the interview.
  • Answer questions, but don’t talk excessively or give the interviewer your entire life story.

Six Flags Interview Questions

The interview questions for a position at Six Flags will mostly relate to customer services. Even though the range of Six Flags careers is diverse, almost all employees should be capable of positive guest interaction.

Common Six Flags Interview Questions

applicant being interviewed

Here are common basic questions that most Six Flags candidates will encounter in an interview:

  • Why do you want to work at Six Flags?
  • How would you persuade others to come to Six Flags?
  • What strengths do you bring to the company?
  • What are some of your weaknesses?

Note it is best to be truthful about your weaknesses. However, this question can be turned around if you give an example of a personal weakness you are actively working to change. An example might be, “I have struggled with feeling overwhelmed in the past, but find listing my top three daily priorities helps me manage my workload better.”

Situational and Personality Interview Questions

six flags employees

Situational and personality questions are common. Your interviewer may give hypothetical situations common to your desired job and ask how you will handle them. Other personality questions may evaluate whether you will work well on a team and other character attributes. Examples of these types of questions include:

  • Do you prefer to work alone, or alongside others?
  • What do you consider the most important aspects of this job?
  • You have a customer who is angry about the long lines. How do you handle this situation and achieve a positive outcome?
  • Can you think of a time you were able to solve a problem? What did you have to do?

Questions of this nature give the interviewer more insight into your personality. Your desired position may dictate which personality traits are ideal, but you can never go wrong by emphasizing optimism, positivity, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn and help others. Six Flags does business with the public, and employees are their face to the world. It is best for the business if that face has a smile on it.

Handling Questions about Physical Limitations and Disabilities

roller coaster ride at six flags

Finally, you may encounter questions about your physical abilities and limitations. Many of the jobs at Six Flags require employees to be on their feet, walking for most of their shifts, and often lifting relatively heavy items. If you are asked about a specific physical limitation, answer honestly. Here is an example:

Interviewer: “This position is physically demanding. You will stand most of the day, walking for extended periods, and may have to lift objects up to 50 pounds. Are you capable of meeting these requirements?”

If you have no physical limitations, your answer may highlight areas of your life or work experience that showcase physical activity. If you need a reasonable accommodation, you may ask for it. Here is an example of a response that addresses reasonable accommodation: “Yes, I am capable of meeting these demands. However, I had a recent ankle surgery and require periodic rest. As long as I can rest my ankle during normal breaks, these physical requirements are well within my abilities.”

Six Flags Hiring Process: Should You Expect a Phone Interview?

A phone interview is a great way to learn more about the position and the company before you decide if you want to go through with a face-to-face interview.

The phone interview is usually conducted by HR or the hiring manager. It’s a great way for both parties to get to know each other better, but it can also be a stressful experience as there are no facial cues and it can be difficult to read someone’s tone.

The phone interview lasts between 10-30 minutes and is usually done over the phone.


If you are willing to do your homework, prepare for your interview, and craft an effective resume, your chances of getting a job at Six Flags are high. With practice and research, you can snag the job you want easily. You are on the right track by simply reading this article because that shows you will put effort into getting the job you want. Keep up the good work, and soon enough, the job will be yours. Best of luck!

Matthew R.

I'm the founder of Job Interview Advice. I have over 20 years of experience in HR and the hiring process. I've helped tens of thousands of people find their dream job, and now I want to help you!

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